De todos os textos platónicos de autenticidade discutível, o presente encerra o maior mérito dialéctico e filosófico. Difere de outras composições platónicas: o objectivo é mais directamente ético e exortativo.
Tema: Doutrina socrática do auto-conhecimento.
"- Alcibiades : Perhaps, Socrates, you are not aware that I was just going to ask you the very same question: What do you want? And what is your motive in annoying me, and always, wherever I am, making a point of coming? I do really wonder what you mean, and should greatly like to know.
- Socrates : Then if, as you say, you desire to know, I suppose that you will be willing to hear, and I may consider myself to be speaking to an auditor who will remain, and will not run away?"